My love for ceramic art derives from the deep joy I feel when touching the earth and observing some of its most beautiful features, especially trees, birds, animals and flowers. Creating a piece of art from soft clay acts as a form of meditation and a way of expressing gratitude for the profound beauty that surrounds me.  My ceramics studio sits under beautiful oak trees in western North Carolina, and the sounds of birdsong and acorns falling on the tin roof add joy to the creative experience.  While my initial artistic training was in drawing, oil painting and photography, I have delighted in depicting elements of the natural world on a ceramic “canvas,” both for display and for daily use.  My previous artistic training has played an enormous role in helping me attempt to depict the beauty of this world.  Each hand-painted piece is made with the hope that it will delight those with whom it lives and will engender a deep appreciation of the beauty that surrounds us.